Thursday, May 4, 2017

Pleasing Combinations

This evening, Perennial Swappers come to tour my garden, and, i must say, it is spectacular. The early-season daffodils are fading, but the late-season daffodils are just now blooming. The yellow and white daffodils sit above various blue-blooming perennials--pulmonaria, brunnera, and forget-me-nots. Yellow and blue make a very pleasing-to-the-eye color combination.

What's the pleasing combination for our lives? What's the right mix of social life and solitude? What's the right mix of work and play? It's too easy for over-balancing one way or the other.

A mother of five recently came to me for meditation instruction. She said she gave up a lot of friendships in order to have children. And as a career mother, she's not quite sure where meditation might fit in her life, though she's sure it would be good for her health and for the stress in her life.

Sometimes, it's time to restructure our lives--or our gardens--for the most pleasing combination of solitude.

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